Friday, February 24, 2012

Plyos 'til you Cry-os

I haven't really been feeling my best this week with the aftermath of THON and intermittent fevers, so I didn't really run this week. However, I did some plyometrics as a sort of cross-training and conditioning excercise. Plyometrics is a type of workout designed to produce fast and powerful movements. THe exercises are quick, painful, and really tiring. Plyos are generally purposeful for any sport, but they come in handy especially with track and field because it is designed to improve the functions of your nervous and respiratory systems. In other words, it makes you faster and gives you more endurance. Some good plyos workouts include burpees, mountain climbers, squats, lunges, push ups, crunches, lemon drops, plank, and running in place. It looks more daunting than it actually is. It is a really good workout in my opinion. Though not your standard workout full of dynamic stretching drills and things of that nature, this is a good ‘fake’ plyo workout that focuses on all aspects. It focuses around upperbody strength especially. It also has a decent amount of leg strength training with the amount of burpees, squats and lunge jumps involved. Ab exercises of both active and isometric variety are represented through out. Personally, I have noticed a difference in my running as of late from doing this workout, the leg strength is most noticed here.

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